GDP per capita in the Member States ranged from 45% to 274% of the EU27 average in 2011

Based on first preliminary estimates for 20111, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita expressed in Purchasing Power Standards2 (PPS) varied from 45% to 274% of the EU27 average across the Member States.

The highest level of GDP per capita in the EU27 was recorded in Luxembourg3 with a level of more than two and a half times the EU27 average. The Netherlands were just above 30% of the average, while Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and Austria were between 25% and 30% above. Finland, Belgium and Germany were between 15% and 20% above the average, while France and the United Kingdom were between 5% and 10% above. In Italy and Spain, GDP per capita was around the EU27 average.

Cyprus was around 10% below the EU27 average, while Slovenia, Malta, Greece, the Czech Republic and Portugal were between 15% and 25% lower, and Slovakia was around 25% below. Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Lithuania were between 30% and 40% lower than the average, while Latvia was around 40% below, Romania around 50% below and Bulgaria 55% below.

These figures for GDP per capita, expressed in PPS, are published by Eurostat, the statistical Office of the European Union. They cover the 27 EU Member States, three EFTA countries, one acceding state, four candidate countries and two potential candidate countries.

Actual Individual Consumption per capita in the Member States ranged from 44% to 150% of the EU27 average

While GDP per capita is often used as an indicator of countries’ level of welfare, it is not the only such indicator. An alternative welfare indicator, better adapted to reflect the situation of households, is Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) per capita4. Generally, levels of AIC per capita are more homogeneous than those of GDP but still there are substantial differences between the Member States. In 2011, AIC per capita expressed in PPS ranged between

44% of the EU average in Bulgaria to 150% in Luxembourg.

GDP and Actual Individual Consumption per capita in PPS in 2011, EU27 = 100
GDP per capita AIC per capita
EU27 100 100
Euro area (EA17)5 108 107
Luxembourg 274 150
Netherlands 131 113
Austria 129 117
Ireland 127 100
Sweden 126 115
Denmark 125 113
Germany 120 119
Belgium 118 111
Finland 116 112
United Kingdom 108 118
France 107 112
Italy 101 102
Spain 99 94
Cyprus 92 95
Slovenia 84 81
Malta 83 83
Greece 82 94
Czech Republic 80 70
Portugal 77 82
Slovakia 73 70
Estonia 67 57
Hungary 66 61
Poland 65 70
Lithuania 62 66
Latvia 58 56
Romania 49 47
Bulgaria 45 44
Norway 189 138
Switzerland 151 125
Iceland 110 107
Croatia 61 56
Turkey 52 58
Montenegro 43 53
Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia 36 41
Serbia 35 44
Albania6 31 34
Bosnia and Herzegovina 29 35

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